Wednesday, February 12, 2025
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Moving forward in Burma   Yangon Areawide Christian Retreat
Converts Send Out Missionaries

 Baptizing one of eight at a seminar earlier in March 2014
BURMA (Myanmar) the Life Saving Work Goes On Telling the Story of Jesus to an entire village on a battery powered T. V. set at the request of the Village Chief.

Myanmar Relief Update - June 7, 2008

I returned from Yangoon on Thursday after working with the brethren and our project director who is on the scene.  We assisted Christians whose homes were damaged and bought 1000 blankets, and Longyi (native dress).  A team of four local brethren went to the delta with the supplies and enough money to buy rice and other food stuffs for several villages.

This a report we just received of the PIP Work going on in Myanmar.  Local Brethren are taking the lead with our man, Phillip Garner directing the work.  Foreigners are not allowed in the hardest hit areas where we have chosen to help.

On their first trip they brought back reports of the dead bodies floating in the water and the villages where there was not a house left standing.  (We will have pictures on our web site in a few days)

From: Phillip Gardner, PIP Project Director Myanmar

Saturday 7 June 9 a.m.

I just finished meeting with the four brethren we sent tot he Laputta township in the delta. They had a very successful mission. They visited all 4 of the original villages where they had previously taken aid and concluded that the 4th village does not need help as much as others because it was less damaged and also because there are some wealthy people there who are providing for their own less fortunate.

In the 3 villages they provided supplies (rice - 1 bag, oil - 1 liter, 2 blankets, 2 longyi, (Skirts) 1 kg potatoes, 1 kg onions) to each of 232 families. They ran short of longyi and had to purchase 17 at Laputta. Each family has an average of 5 members. Phillip recorded each family's name and exactly what was given. Phillip and Sian Tan explained that the villagers were very orderly and helpful in unloading the rice. They explained to the recipients that they were from the Church of Christ and wanted to show the love of God. Phillip said that they feel they have established a good relationship with the villagers who invited all four brothers to share a meal. All 3 villages are about 1 1/2 hours west of Laputta by boat and are Buddhist.

Phillip kept a very complete record of all expenditures each day. I have a copy and will bring it to you. We sent them with 6,000,000 Kyats and they returned with 1,325,250 because expenses were less than anticipated.

On Friday Phillip and Sian Tan did some exploring and found 3 more needy villages about 3 hours east of Laputta. They are enthused about making the trip again next week on the same schedule - leaving Tuesday evening and returning on Friday or Saturday morning. They will visit the 4th original village which is larger than the first 3. If time and money permit, they may go to the three new villages. The residents of these villages requested fuel for their water pump to allow them to get fresh water. Phillip said fuel is available in Laputta. Phillip took a lot of pictures which he is transferring to CD. I will bring a copy when I return. (We will send a photo report later)

My best wishes to all.
