Wednesday, February 12, 2025

About Us

bill mc photoRevolution, natural disaster, sickness, and war bring tremendous suffering and are currently trying the hearts of men and women in scores of countries but these heart-wrenching events also open doors and hearts to the gospel as nothing else can.

Through our combined efforts thousands of people have heard that Jesus lives and have seen the gospel in action as they were treated medically, fed, and taught the gospel.

We have been there when the people needed help the most and together delivered to them not only physical comfort and hope for the future but eternal hope......because He Cares.

Make A Donation

Please send your contributions to Partners in Progress, P. O. Box 13989, Maumelle, AR 72113. You will receive a receipt and regular updated reports in response to your tax deductible gift. You may also click on the button below to make a donation by credit card.100% of your gift goes directly toward relief.


Click Here to see the Ship of Life!

Click Here to see an overview of the nutrition work in Cambodia  

All of the videos are in the Windows Media Movie format and will open a new window.